Elon Musk revealed that Jay-Z paid for Beyoncé to win the Grammy 👀😱

Elon Musk has sparked a major controversy by revealing that Jay-Z, Beyoncé’s husband, allegedly spent a total of 170 million dollars to ensure his wife “won” the Best Country Album award.

According to Musk, Jay-Z paid 20 million dollars to radio programs, 40 million dollars to country music stations, and 110 million dollars for downloads. This revelation has caused a strong reaction on social media, where users have been making memes of Beyoncé pretending to be surprised when she won what some are calling “the lottery she herself sold.”

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người và văn bản cho biết '카능했된 "Pagó 170 millones de dólares ara que pudiera ganar el premio al Mejor Álbum de Country"'

The scandal has fueled rumors of the so-called “Beyoncé curse,” intensifying speculation about how some awards in the music industry are managed and granted. Opinions are divided,

with some users harshly criticizing Jay-Z and Beyoncé for alleged unethical practices, while others defend their success and attribute the accusations to jealousy and rivalry in the entertainment world.